As we mourn the loss of so many innocent people in Orlando, as well as those who lost their lives at a fireworks celebration in Nice, France, at an airport in Istanbul, a cafe in Bangladesh, and so many others taken by terrorist attacks over the last few years, let us continue to be mindful not only of the need for more effective gun controls and mental health care, but how perniciously the war on terror is seeping into our country. While hatred of gays and the LGTB community seemed to have played some role in the Orlando attack, and that should not be forgotten, we need to be increasingly mindful of the fact that we are also in the middle of a religious and cultural war with radical Islam, and one that we are not winning.  Daily we hear media coverage of terrorism committed by ISIS, our military strikes against them and their loss of territory, along with rhetoric from presidential candidates on who can be toughest against ISIS, but we almost never hear even so much as a vague plan on how to stem the growth of radical Islam and win the peace.

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